Department of Medicine

Innovation Platform

Submit your project: information and tools

HOW IS INNOVATION SUPPORTED? Driven by compassion and social justice, we are at the forefront of exceptional care and innovation.

The DOM Innovation Platform not only offers funding to help transform your great idea into a proposal, a business case, and eventually a project charter, but also provides a proven step-by-step pathway to guide your progress.

The team will assist in a projects success by providing support, guidance, and encouragement. A bank of successful projects with physician leaders that can be your mentors, as well as relationships with past funders and internal resources will be used to propel the project forward.

Success is within your reach. You’ve got this!

Innovation in the Department of Medicine

We know our members have great ideas but are also very busy. The DOM Innovation Platform empowers members to develop and implement innovative, transformational projects grounded on PHCs foundational principles and aligned with the PHC strategic plan. This platform provides the tools for Department of Medicine members to contribute to PHC’s long-term strategy.

Key details about the Platform:

    • Calls for project intake will be announced on the Department of Medicine website and shared with department members.
    • A streamlined single-entry process is in place for new project submissions.
    • Submissions are evaluated using a clearly defined set of criteria.
    • Between 1-4 projects selected per round.
    • Projects can receive mentorship, project management, and/or financial support.
    • Approved projects are required to submit an annual progress report.
DOM Platform
Transformational Ideas

Transformational Ideas

Innovation Hub
Proposal Business Plan

View Diagram



Project Implementation + Outcome Measurement + Collaboration + Mentorship



Value Based Health Care
Patient Care. Research. Education. Quality.

Want to submit a project?

Project intake dates for 2024

November 2023 is now closed!

Please print this DOMi - Proposal Workbook 2025 to further flesh out your idea. The workbook will ensure that all the aspects required in the submission are considered. Some questions like other stakeholders, the full impact or consequences of the problem may need some research.

The workbook can be submitted or preliminary review in step 3 and/or used to complete the official electronic submission in step 4.

Get ready to submit

Project submission process

Forms, Template and Tools

See what others are doing. Projects & Working Groups >