General Internal Medicine Clinic
Location: St Paul’s Hospital, Room 5900, 5th Floor Burrard Building
Located at St. Paul's Hospital in downtown Vancouver, non-emergency patients are discharged and referred to the General Internal Medicine Clinic until the end of treatment. The clinic also takes in referrals from doctor's offices or walk-in clinics.
Referral Form (PDF)
Phone: 604-806-8735
Fax: 604-806-9057
Post-COVID-19 Recovery Clinic
Location: St Paul’s Hospital, Room 5900, 5th Floor, Burrard Building
The purpose of the Post-COVID-19 Recovery Clinic is to provide access to care, services, and education for people who have had COVID-19. The clinic provides care through a novel mix of on-site and telehealth-enabled clinics that allow for multidisciplinary engagement with patients, their GP’s, an allied health team, and a network of subspecialists.
Referral Form (PDF)
Phone: 604-806-8037
Fax: 604-806-9057
Eating Disorders (Inpatient and Ambulatory)
Location: St Paul’s Hospital, 4 North, Burrard Building
GIM faculty members have expertise in managing the medical complications of patients at the Eating Disorders Program, a tertiary province-wide program housed in Mental Health at Providence Health Care. These patients are very complicated medically and challenging to manage.
Division Members: Drs. Ric Arseneau, Jane McKay, and Debbie Rosenbaum
Phone: 604-806-8347
Fax: 604-806-8631
Hypertension (Ambulatory)
Location: St Paul’s Hospital, Room 5900, 5th Floor Burrard Building
Division members, who are hypertension (typo on UBC Website) specialists with American Board Certification, operate clinics for resistant hypertension at clinics at both St. Paul's Hospital and Vancouver General Hospital to optimize blood pressure measurement and management for patients whose blood pressure has been challenging to treat. Poorly controlled hypertension is associated with substantial morbidity (renal, cardiac, stroke), acute care use with ED visits and hospital admission for hypertensive emergency and urgency, and premature mortality. Hypertension specialists in the Division employ motivational interviewing techniques to improve adherence to medications and focus on lifestyle interventions in addition to pharmacologic treatments.
Referral Form (PDF)
Division Members: Drs. Nadia Khan, Birinder Mangat, Laura Kuyper, Jane McKay, Debbie Rosenbaum, and Karen Tran, Jesse Bittman
Phone: 604-806-8735
Fax: 604-806-9057
Palliative Care (Inpatient and Ambulatory)
Location: St Paul’s Hospital, 10th Floor, Providence Building
Dr. Gil Kimel, Physician Program Director of Palliative Care at PHC, attends on the Palliative Care ward at St. Paul's Hospital, where he has been successful in building a healthy relationship with the CTU.
Perioperative Medicine (Inpatient and Ambulatory)
With their advanced training in Perioperative Medicine, Division members are working with Anaesthesia to implement a standardized approach to better identify and manage patients with myocardial injury after non-cardiac surgery (MINS). MINS occurs in 8% of patients (only 16% symptomatic) and is associated with a ~10% mortality rate at 30 days and 20% composite endpoint (mortality, CHF~9%, stroke). Members are also working with Cardiology and Anaesthesia regarding the best monitoring strategy and follow-up—in-hospital and as outpatients—to improve patient outcomes.
Thrombosis Clinic (Ambulatory)
Location: St Paul’s Hospital, Room 5900, 5th Floor, Burrard Building
Two Division members with advanced training in thrombosis developed the Thrombosis Clinic at St. Paul’s Hospital. The vision is to provide exceptional and readily accessible patient care that improves the quality of life for people with thromboembolic disease. The clinic provides urgent assessment and follow-up to patients discharged from the emergency department, urgent primary care centre and inpatient wards. The clinic also accepts referrals from family physicians and nurse practitioners in the community. Common reasons for referral include long term management of deep vein thrombosis (DVT)/pulmonary embolism (PE), treatment of venous thromboembolism in unusual sites, bridging anticoagulation for procedure and management of post-thrombotic syndrome.
Referral Form (PDF)
Division Members: Drs. Anna Rahmani and Tony Wan
Phone: 604-806-9455
Fax: 604-677-0600
Vascular Medicine Clinic
Location: St Paul’s Hospital, 3rd Floor, Burrard Building
The Vascular Medicine Clinic provides rapid and comprehensive Internal Medicine care for patients with or at risk for vascular disease. We focus on evaluation and management of sub-optimally controlled vascular risk factors, incidental atherosclerosis found on imaging, demand ischemia/ type 2 MI in multi-morbid patients, and myocardial injury after non-cardiac surgery (MINS).
Referral Form (PDF)
Division Members: Drs. Peter Chen, Steve Ham, Birinder Mangat, Debbie Rosenbaum, Terence Yung
Phone: 604-806-8698
Fax: 604-806-8595
Centralized Pain Program
Location: St Paul’s Hospital, 7th Floor, Providence Building
Website: TBD
Under the leadership of Dr. May C. Ong, the Providence Health Care Chair in the Neurobiology and Neuropharmacology of Pain, the Centralized Pain Program specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of complex, refractory pain.
Division Members: Dr. May C. Ong
Outpatient referrals: Physicians should make all referrals to Dr. May C. Ong at:
Address: 503 - 1160 Burrard Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6Z 2E8
Phone: (604) 689-0279
Fax: (604) 688-2507