Urgent Dermatology Clinic
Locations: 518-1033 Davie Street
Priority is given to urgent consultations within Providence Health Care. This clinic is a part of central intake, but appointment booking is completed at the individual site locations. Please mark which location is preferred but please note that the patient may be triaged to either the SPH or MSJ Urgent Dermatology Clinic locations.
- Conditions for which patients need to be medically seen within 1-3 weeks for their urgent skin issue and require expedited diagnosis and treatment (ie: skin conditions which are highly symptomatic but not life, limb or organ-threatening)
- If the patient needs to be seen within the next 1 week, the referring physician MUST call the Dermatology On Call Service via SPH Locating to discuss
- Patient has been informed that this is a rapid access clinic for diagnosis and stabilization of their skin condition. Patient has been informed that they will be discharged from clinic at the discretion of the dermatologist to be followed by their primary care provider/or other.
- Life, limb or organ-threatening condition – MUST call the Dermatology On Call Service via SPH Locating to discuss
- Patient requires assessment within1 week – MUST call the Dermatology On Call Service via SPH Locating to discuss
- Has a current community dermatologist
- Already been seen by a dermatologist for same condition recently
- Pediatric patients
- Chronic, stable conditions (i.e.: hair, nail, acne conditions)
Pigmented Lesions Clinic (start date TBA, please do not refer to this clinic)
Locations: 518-1033 Davie Street
The principal goal is the detection of malignant melanoma in its early, curable phase in high-risk patients. Patients are referred for melanoma screening (total body photography), and the assessment and management of complicated pigmented lesions.
- >100 nevi on body
- Adult patients (>18 yo)
Med Safe Clinic
Locations: 518-1033 Davie Street
Interdisciplinary clinic between Dermatology, Allergy and Clinical Pharmacology. Patients with a known history of severe cutaneous adverse reactions (SCARs) are assessed. Research and clinical-based assays (lymphocyte toxicity assays, OX40 assay, HLA testing, pharmacogenomic testing, contact dermatitis testing) for clarification of the culprit drug are offered. Safe alternative drug options are provided for future use. Family members are also provided with counselling and testing as appropriate.
- Confirmed history of SCARs (i.e.: SJS, TEN, DRESS, AGEP*)
- Referred from specialist only (Internal Med, Allergy, ID, Rheum, Derm)
- Family member with one of these conditions for counselling
- Patients are medically stable and discharged from the hospital
- Patients must have a history of a cutaneous eruption (skin rash)
- This is not a clinic for patients with an acute drug eruption of any kind
- This is not a clinic for inpatients to attend
- Self-reported drug allergies
* Stevens-Johnson syndrome, Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, Drug Eruption with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms, Acute Generalized Exanthematous Pustulosis.
Contact Dermatitis Clinic
Locations: 518-1033 Davie Street
This clinic provides clinical assessments and extensive, comprehensive cutaneous patch testing for the evaluation of allergic contact dermatitis, including occupational dermatitis. Patients with suspected allergic contact dermatitis are initially triaged at the office of Dr. Gillian de Gannes. Once the patient is deemed appropriate for patch testing, the patient then undergoes the testing at the Contact Dermatitis Clinic within the Medical Dermatology Centre (SPH Davie).
- Referrals from Dermatologists
Dermatology and Rheumatology Clinic (DART Clinic)
Locations: 518-1033 Davie Street
Patients with autoimmune rheumatic disease and concomitant skin manifestations are assessed and treated. The clinic is attended by both a rheumatologist and a dermatologist.
- Must be referred by a Dermatologist or a Rheumatologist
- Suspected to have cutaneous manifestations of a rheumatic disease or skin disease related to the diagnosis/management of rheumatic diseases.
Phototherapy Intake Clinic
Locations: 518-1033 Davie Street
At the Phototherapy Intake clinic, narrow-band ultraviolet light (NB-UVB) is used 2-3 times per week to treat several resistant skin disorders including psoriasis, eczema, generalized pruritus and renal pruritus.
- Adult patients (>18 yo)
- Patients with dermatology conditions that are treatable by NB-UVB
- Referrals from PHC sites or dermatologists
- An initial consultation is done by the dermatologist at the clinic to assess for treatment suitability (if patient is not suitable for phototherapy they will be sent back to referring physician)
- Pediatric patients
- Patients who are taking medications that cause photosensitivity
- Patients who have medical conditions that make them photosensitive (ie: lupus)
Skin Health Liaison Clinic (SKiL Clinic)
Clinic run by Dermatology and Psychiatry. This clinic serves patients suffering from skin and psychiatric diseases. Patients referred to this clinic are assessed by both a psychiatrist and dermatologist. This is a consult-only clinic, and the patient will be discharged from clinic to the care of the referring physician/primary care provider with recommendations regarding management.
- Adults (18+)
- Accept referrals from Dermatologists only
- Consult only (patient care returns to referring dermatologist for ongoing dermatologic care)
- Patient must be aware that they are being referred to see a dermatologist and a psychiatrist
- Already under the care of a psychiatrist
- Concomitant substance abuse and/or eating disorder
- Prior missed appointment without explanation
HIV Dermatology Clinic
Location: 5th Floor Burrard Building, 1081 Burrard Street
This clinic is housed at the John Ruedy Clinic (JRC) at St. Paul’s Hospital. The specialized clinic caters to the unique and specific dermatologic needs of the HIV population.
- Adult patients with HIV (from John Ruedy Clinic)
- Referrals from community dermatologists, family physicians and infectious diseases physicians (from John Ruedy Clinic)
Skin Cancer in Renal Transplant Clinic (SCREEN Clinic)
Location: Providence Bldg, 1081 Burrard Street
This clinic addresses skin cancer issues unique to renal transplant patients. Dermatology is integrated into the St. Paul’s Hospital post-renal transplant clinic.
- Must be post-renal transplant patient followed at Providence Health Care
- The referring practitioner and patient must be aware that this clinic is for skin cancer assessment, screening and triaging only
- Priority is given to patients who have a known current skin cancer or rapidly growing lesion/lesions suspicious for skin cancer
- Pre-renal transplant patients at Providence Health Care with a possible active skin cancer or pre-cancer will be accepted
- Non-renal transplant patient
- Non-Providence Health Care renal transplant patient
- Non-skin cancer related chronic skin issues in transplant patients